Established 2019

To be a best in class organization with a focus on customer satisfaction and work in healthy environment that meet company goals.


Our business dimensions are extensive through whole kingdom with a fleet of more than 100 trucks & future expansion plan is underway to connect GCC countries with a fleet of 1500 trucks in next five years.

Operating with highly skilled and professional staff, modern fleet, well organized work system, well equipped terminal facilities and the most modern fleet maintenance services workshops and is recognized as the highly rated transportation and logistics services provider in the region. With excellent services provided to the satisfied customers



Our Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.

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Awad Logistics offers a versatile service to answer all your container handling and storage needs through ....

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  • Brandon Ross
    Vestibulum sollicitudin. Cras ut quam eu neque auctor auctor est, vel diam. Nam id felis. Curabitur placerat, molestie vitae, rutrum pede ultrices lorem eu pede cursus dolor tellus, volutpat at, congue orci luctus nisl. Cras tempus euismod. Nulla ac turpis egestas.
    Brandon Ross
  • Katarina Johnes
    Aenean gravida pulvinar porta est. Integer leo lobortis convallis, dui vitae sem. In lobortis volutpat. Vestibulum nibh. Duis non ullamcorper nec, ullamcorper in, dapibus eu, fringilla viverra quis, ornare bibendum leo vel lectus. Nam nec lectus vestibulum ligula. Ut nonummy.
    Katarina Johnes
  • Tony Johnson
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet quam nibh sit amet, purus. Aliquam adipiscing elit. Quisque in erat velit ac arcu. Pellentesque sagittis, metus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nunc sit amet lorem. In ornare ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
    Tony Johnson

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Get In Touch With Us: +966 9200 11562